
Hungry Quintet Goes Against Tigers Tonight

Will Try to Snap Losing Streak

Bill Barclay's groggy basketball team, which hasn't won a game in three weeks, will try again tonight in a 9:30 p.m. engagement with Princeton at the Garden. Holy Cross plays Loyola in the opener.

"I don't know what the answer is," Barclay said Saturday after watching his team drop its sixth straight game. "They played well in the first half, but then Gannon had to leave the game with an injured thumb and the team started getting outhustled."

Despite the sore thumb, Chip will start tonight against the Tigers along with the rest of the group that started against Cornell Saturday. Pete Petrillo will be at forward with Johnny Rockwell, Bill Prior will jump enter, and Dick Covey will team with Gannon at the guards.

Walt McCurdy will not start. Barclay explained yesterday that the crowd-pleasing set shot specialist "makes too many mistakes." McCurdy will probably see some action, though, as will forward Bob Bramhall, who pumped in three quick baskets in the second half of the Cornell game. "Bramhall will undoubtedly play a lot more on the basis of his performance against Cornell," Coach Barclay reported.

Tigers Strong


The Crimson should have the old law of averages on its side at the Garden tonight. But it is doubtful if the Tigers will roll over and play dead. After a wobbly start, they have knocked off Navy and Penn, which beat Yale.

Freshman Coach Lloyd Harper scouted the Princeton-Penn game and reports that the Tigers have their best quintet in three years. They've lost Captain George Lawry, but eight out of last winter's ten top point-getters are back, including George Sella, Joe Homan, Bill Clarke, and Bernard Adams.
