
Annex AYD Gains Charter, Student Government Dues

Chapter on Full Year Basis

Radcliffe's chapter of AYD has won a yearling charter and full status as an Annex club.

Operating independent of, but affiliated with the nation-wide American Youth for Democracy organization, the Annex AYD is entitled to use Radcliffe property for meetings and the college name in publicity releases and posters for the 1948-49 school year.

Also, along with all other full grown Annex clubs, AYD will take its place on the Student Government Pay Day envelope next month when dues are collected on a stated day for all recognized groups.

Chartered too late to be announced in the Annex freshman handbook, the Red Book, which lists officers and aims of all undergraduate organizations, AYD became official in Radcliffe Yard last June. Nikki Ragozin '51 heads the group.

"Autonomous affiliation" with the national setup was the stumbling block which allowed chartering of AYD for several weeks last spring. No Radcliffe club can exist subordinate to a larger group, according to Annex policy.


Chartered Last Spring

Student Council voted to charter AYD early last spring, pending usual faculty approval. President Wilbur K. Jordan, however, withheld faculty consent until he had on hand satisfactory proof of AYD's autonomy. Final documents were not exchanged until last May--and not until the status of all political groups and all club memberships total had been eagle-eyed by Student Council--and AYD became the last of a half-dozen new groups in Radcliffe Yard.
