
Eli Tennis Match Set for Tomorrow

Varsity tennis players will have to wait until tomorrow for their big meeting with the Elis, as afternoon rains in New Haven yesterday forced postponement of the match.

Quick rescheduling, approved last night by the H.A.A., will mean that the net squad will face its two toughest opponents--Yale and Princeton--in successive days, since the windup match with the Tigers Saturday remains unaffected.

Before the rains, Coach Jack Barnaby took time out to announce managerial selections for next season. Thomas B. McNulty '50, of Kirkland House and Delafield, Wisconsin, will get the varsity job, while positions of assistant manager and freshman manager will go respectively to Roy G. Clouse '50, of Lowell House and Columbus, Ohio, and Skiddy M. Lund '51, of Wigglesworth Hall and Boston.
