
Council Requests NSA Backing of FEPC Law

An Old Council Makes Way for a New

Completely cleaning out its annual docket, the Student Council last night approved support of a State Fair Educational Practises bill, acquiesced in the ban on women in Lamont Library, and heard a preliminary report of its Committee on Supplementary Instruction.

Action on an FEPC law came when the Council approved a report by the Committee on Minority Problems, led by Ernest M. Howell '47. The statement announced that the Committee will ask the regional National Student Organization to back legislation similar to that now operating in New York.

Howell explained that the difficulty of investigating racial and religious discrimination in many professional schools made such legislation advisable.

The Committee reached the first stage of its study of minority groups at Harvard, with the statement that in College admissions and scholarships no discrimination exists. Meanwhile, it has asked the University to examine for itself whether there is discrimination against minorities in the Faculty.

The Council voted to support the prohibition of women in the new undergraduate library when it approved the report of a delegation which interviewed University Library director Keyes DeW. Metcalf. The group had been instructed to ask a lifting of Metcalf's announced ban, but told the Council that it had been convinced that the physical plans for the Library would not easily accommodate women.
