
Fuller, Katz Are Named to Vacant Law Chairs Here

Lon L. Fuller and Milton Katz '27, Law School professors, will move into the vacant Carter Professorship of General Jurisprudence and Byrne Professorship of Administrative Law, Dean Erwin N. Griswold announced last night.

As Carter Professor, Fuller will accupy the chair once hold by ex-Dean Roscoe Pound, who is currently in China codifying Chinese law. In the Byrne Professorship, Katz succeeds Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter and former Law School Dean James M. Landis.

Before coming to the University in 1939, Fuller taught at Oregon, Illinois, and Duke, and in 1935 received the Phillips award from the American Philosophical Society for his essay on "American Legal Realism."

Katz joined the Graduate School faculty in 1939, becoming professor of Law the following year. Author of legal articles and a case-book on administrative law, he has also served as soliciter of the War Production Board and other government administrative agencies.
