

Radcliffe Votes Again on Three Issues This Week

More that 900 Radcliffe voters will go to the polls again during the next week to cast fresh and final ballots on Student Government's three big issues.

The re-vote will cover all three proposals: a $12 student activities fee; compulsory subscription to The Radcliffe News; and appointment of the N.S.A. delegate to a new second vice presidency of Student Government.

Impetus for the three-part ballot came from within the Student Council last week after a handful of petitions demanding only a new vote on the Radcliffe News question had been turned down by the Council because they dealt with only one of the three decisions in dispute.

First issue to be decided in the current reforendum was presented on the previous ballot--which was reprinted in shortened form for the new vote--as follows: "Resolved, that there shall be payment of a student activities fee required of all Radcliffe students: Student Government, $1.50; the News, $1.50; class dues, $2.00; yearbook, $3.00; Signature, $1.00; club dues (two clubs), $2.50; Idler tickets, 50 cents; total, $12.00."

Arguments Presented


Arguments advanced for this issue included the claim that the fee is a bargain, since the same items now cost 'Cliffedweilers $17,00; the assertion that activities would thrive with the all-college backing they now lack; the belief that organizations now dependent on Harvard membership would win new independence; the possibilities of a year book which would chronicle affairs of all four classes instead of one; advantages of a pooled emergency fund for all clubs, publications and groups like Radcliffe; and the ease of collection.

Opponents of the blanket fee have protested that they prefer to contribute directly to clubs and activities of their own choice, as they do under the present Pay Day system; have declared that the fee taxes students who choose to remain aloof from undergraduate activities; and have charged that the increase from $5.75, the present minimum levy, to $12.00 is too great a boost.

On this issue the first vote, now discarded for lack of a majority of the whole student body, was: 345 No; 177 Yes.

Second issue up for 'Cliffe consideration reads: "Resolved, that the Radcliffe News shall be compulsory for the student body."

Last week's vote on this question was: 318 Yes; 245 no.

The third question on the ballot reads: "Resolved, that the N.S.A. delegate be the second vice-president of Radcliffe Student Government Association with all of the rights and privileges of a member of the Student Executive Board."

The result of the first ballot was: 454 Yes; 70 No
