

Doughlas Men Corral Number 600, Choose College Leaders

University supporters of Justice William O. Douglas for President now number over 600 and more are singing up every day, Gunther K. Rosinus '49, newly elected head of the College Douglas group reports.

In a meeting last week the College Douglas supporters, who now number over 200, met and elected a committee to plan further canvassing drives and coordinate activities with the Law School Committee for Douglas. The two groups are collaborating in plans for a giant rally to be held sometime next week.

With Chairman Rosinus on the Colleo Steering Committee are Donald M. Gish '50, David P. Jacobus '49, and Robert A. Levine '50.

"Our object is to get Douglas' name before the public," said Rosinus after the meeting. The committee is distributing excerpts from Douglas' speech of March 22 in Florida in which he stated his position on some of the major issues of the Presidential campaign.

Will Give Text


They also expect to make available copies of the Congressional Record in Which the whole text of the Douglas speech is given. Later on the Douglas-for-President Committees may carry their campaign to Cambridge and Boston.

Meanwhile more students are singing up. Commenting on the continuing increase in membership, Rosinus said, "We're picking up everybody from ex-Wallaceites to ex-Stassenites."

The 600 men signed up make the Douglas group the largest in the University political arena. The young Rebublicans are second in enrollment.
