
Radcliffe Unraveled

Radcliffe's Student Government showed the way to Gordian knot-slicing Saturday when it ended in a few words the clouds of controversy that had been hanging over the results of its most recent vote. Instead of wasting time with legalistic arguments, the Student Government officers made certain that every possible doubt would be cleared up by calling for a second vote on all three of the issues in question.

The decision was further enhanced by the method of voting proposed by the Student Government. Instead of relying on previous haphazard systems, the letter from Council President Joan Projansky outlines a technique which is certain to get a vote from almost every girl in the college.

A third intelligent aspect of the re-vote rules is the definite time limit put on the casting of ballots. The voting will end a week from Wednesday and the final tally will not be made until that evening; the tantalizing vagueness surrounding the end of the last ballot will not recur.

Finally, the Student Government has been wise in announcing a clear-cut policy on tallying the votes, making it plain that only the activities fee issue will be forced to reach the total majority requirement for a final decision. The Student Government has provided lucid directions; the simplest measure of compliance by the Radcliffe student body will settle three troublesome questions this spring.
