
Mem Hall Area Approved for Rally

College Lifts Ban Set After '46 Yard Riot

A two-year ban on open-air rallies in the classroom area was lifted yesterday when Dean Watson authorized use of the Memorial Hall triangle by the Committee to Save the Peace in its demonstration scheduled for tomorrow noon.

The rally, to which five hundred students have already pledged support, will be the first since March, 1946, when a similar "Win the Peace" demonstration, sponsored by the Liberal Union, brought the Conservative League and Dadaists into the Yard to break it up. Following this clash, which resulted in a field-day for the metropolitan press, the Administration refused all subsequent requests for such meetings.

Repeat Performance Unlikely

Minimizing the possibility of a similar outbreak tomorrow, the Save the Peace Committee holds that an entirely different atmosphere now prevails. No organization has planned a counter-demonstration at its projected "non-political" meeting, the groups spokesmen have declared.

They stressed the "broad nature" of their support, claiming active participation by members of 15 College groups and a potential student backing in the thousands.


The rally, meanwhile, has gained the support of five Cambridge religious leaders. They are the Revs. E. Spencer Parsons, Baptist; Leonard Clough, Congregationalist; Kenneth Hughes, Episcopalian; Alfred Ferguson; and Rabbi Maurice Zigmond. The Rev. Mr. Hughes will deliver the invocation at the triangle tomorrow.

Formal Status Sought

At the close of yesterday's meeting with Dean Watson, the executives of the Peace Committee announced that the group would apply for recognition as an official University organization.

Pending such application, Dean Watson has demanded that a provisional list of responsible officers of the committee be submitted to him before the rally. The executive board, elected Monday consists of Mendy Weisgal '45 2G, Emmanuel Margolis 1G, Leonard Ragozin '49, and William D. Brown '46.
