
Crippled Nine Tackles Eagles Today

Appendicitis Benches Kenary for Month

Dolph Samborski was Wearing a dark and harried look yesterday. After rescheduling the twice-postponed opener with Boston College for today at 4 o'clock, the Varsity base ball coach got word that center fielder James Kenary had been operated on for appendicitis and a couple of more hours later saw night fielder John Caul-field got spiked in a practice drill.

With two-thirds of his starting outfield gone, Samborski also had to give up hopes of starting Red Connolly, his leading pitcher, who is still suffering from the after-effects of injections which cleared his infected finger. Right hander Ira Godin, released from Stillman on Monday, will be on the mound for the Crimson in the official home getaway, should the elements cooperate.

Kenary Felt Ill

Kenary, who had been feeling ill for several days, thought he might be contacting the flu, but doctors at Peter Bent Brigham Hospital diagnosed appendicitis and operated yesterday morning. He will be out for at least a month, and possibly for the remainder of the season.

With the game with the Eagles called for the second time, Samborski held a two-hour practice in Briggs Cage featuring infield drills and base running. In a rundown exercise Caulfield was spiked in the right foot as the slid into third base. X-rays showed no breaks, but trainers thought it unlikely that he would play today.


Lunder Return Imminent

Only bright spot of the afternoon was the return of Len Lunder, batting champion of last year and a right fielder, who was operated on for an infected leg during the Spring vacation. Wearing a special pad, fashioned by James Farrell, Lunder was able to run, but will not be able to play until the end of the week.

Chip Gannon stands the starting left-fielder of the Varsity nine with Chuck Reach and either Tom Sullivan or Bucky Harrison as the likely replacements.
