
Hopefuls Limber Up as Nine Prepares for Spring Season

Shot puts are giving way to line drives these days out at Briggs Cage where over 70 aspirants for the Varsity nine are getting in their first practice licks for a season which will get under way around the end of the month.

Snow has kept the oversized squad indoors, forcing it to share its quarters with the track team and limiting practice to a modicum of fielding and batting, but the team should be hitting the wide open spaces of Soldiers Field at least a week before the start of the spring vacation, weather permitting.

The biggest problem of the moment facing coach Dolph Samborski is in the infield, and more particularly, the catching slot. Whoever becomes the nine's regular receiver will have to go a long way to fill the shoes of the graduated Bill Hamlen, who was rated tops among collegiate catchers last year.

One Regular Back

Only one Varsity regular is left from last reason, Captain Coppinger, who will take over third base. Hard-hitting Wally Coulson moved from his outfield spot of last year, is being groomed for first, and Myles Huntington and Ernie Marino seem to have the inside track for places at second and shortstop.


Bill Connolly has been approved by Ivy officials for league participation after disqualification midway last year and will be back to bolster the pitching staff. Vince Moravec will don a Crimson uniform again with doctor's permission in an attempt to win a regular hurling assignment.
