
Glee Clubbers Await Annual Spring Jaunt

Fifty members of the Glee Club leave tomorrow morning on the first leg of an annual spring tour that will take them through New York State and part of New Jersey.

First stop for the Club on its tour will be Rochester, where the chorus will join the Rochester Civic Symphony under Guy Fraser Harrison for an Easter Sunday concert.

On Monday, March 29, the Club will appear in Albion, New York; while Tuesday, March 30, will find the troubadors in Syracuse for an appearances sponsored by the Harvard Club of that city.

See the Falls

A trip to Niagara Falls plus a debutante dance after the concert will feature the Club's stay in Buffalo on Wednesday, March 31. Final concerts of the tour are scheduled for Friday and Saturday, April 2 and 3, in Petham, New York, and Irvington, New Jersey.


Music programmed for the tour covers nearly every period of choral composition from the Madrigals of Gasteldi to 20th Century compositions such as Stravinsky's "Oedipus Rex."
