
Curb ERP Ballyhoo

The Mail

To the Editors of the CRIMSON:

Besides the CRIMSON's stand in favor of the Marshall Plan, and the Communist-cum-Henry Wallace position against it, there is a third attitude. This attitude is that the Marshall Plan is good in purpose but unsound in design.

The Marshall Plan actually promotes Communism in Eastern Europe while aiming to discourage it in western Europe. Its strategy are wishful. Its politics are naive. Its strategy does not exist.

Several Harvard students and faculty members have identified themselves with a "Save the Marshall Plan" movement, and are seriously trying to spread the light to other colleges.

Would it not be more in the spirit of free inquiry to suspend these rallies until the colleges have held a series of open meetings or debates. At such open hearings all three points of view could be offered and compared.


Before the non-Communist critics of the Marshall Plan get a hearing at the bar of undergraduate opinion, it seems a little early for the cheerleaders to come springing forth. Let us all take a long-cool second look at the Marshall Plan. There will still be time enough let light the torches crash the cymbals and align oneself with the angels. George Follow '29,   Nieman Fellow.
