
Radcliffe Charters AYD After Council Decision

New Group to Request Secret Member List

By a unanimous vote of the 18-girl Student Council, Radcliffe's Student Government chartered an Annex branch of the American Youth for Democracy and threw open 'Cliffe doors to any qualified political club which petitions for recognition.

Radcliffe chapters of the Committee for Wallace and the Young Republican Club are expected to enter charter petitions within the next few weeks as a result of yesterday's political open door decision.

F.B.I. to Get No Lists

Pending faculty approval, the new group will be christened the Radcliffe AYD. The constitution will be delivered to President W. K. Jordan for his signature next week. With it will go a request from the club that membership lists never be released to the F.B.I., following Harvard precedent.

Assorted privileges and conditions accompany the charter. The AYD can now appropriate Radcliffe space for Harvard-Radcliffe meetings and can state its aim for the benefit of prospective members in the freshman handbook.


Guarantee Local Autonomy

In return, the group is required to guarantee local autonomy. Nikki Ragozin '51, leader of the 'Cliffe movement for AYD, quoted a letter from Lee Marsh, head of the Intercollegiate AYD, guaranteeing autonomous affiliation for the Annex group.
