
Pugilists Pursue University Titles In Bouts Tonight

Hard slaps of leather on flesh will echo through the Indoor Athletic Building tonight, as the semi-finals and final University boxing championships get under way again.

Every match will be a fight to the finish, guaranteed Coach Henry Lamar. He pointed out that former champions from Yale, Bates, Kings Point, and the University of Virginia are all represented, and will give the bouts some of the flavor of intercollegiate frays.

High spots in the night's action will feature defending championship bouts. Tommy Rodgers, one-armed winner in the 155 lb. class for two years, will be up against Frank Viafora, while Jack Vora, House champion this year, will find himself pitted against Charley Weiss, a promising Freshman.

Tuesday's preliminaries produced nine winners who, together with the byes, will compete in this evening's fracas.
