
Second Regional NSA Parley Opens This Morning at B.U.

Northern and southern New England factions of the newly-born National Student Association are expected to clash today and tomorrow over the issue of N.S.A.'s ole in partisan politics.

Three hundred delegates from all over New England will convene at Boston University this morning to review N.S.A. national and international accomplishments and to plan for coming months.

The five-member delegation from the College has been instructed by the Student Council to avoid bringing up the issue of how far N.S.A. should venture into politics.

The Council, however, said that the delegation may agree to the N.S.A.'s polling college campuses on important national issues, such as universal military training.

At the conference, which will also hear a symposium on student governments to be led by Council President Edric A. Weld, Jr. '46, a southern New England spokesman is expected to call for a blanket interdict on N.S.A. political action with the judgement of disputes among schools in a region, resting at national headquarters.
