
Fast Indian Skaters Stalk Crimson Scalps in Arena Embroglio Tonight

Dartmouth Sextet Has Won 15 of 16 Tilts

Unless the hockey team can rise to Olympian heights, tonight's 8:30 o'clock tilt with Dartmouth should be little more than the crowning blow to an already dismal week on the rink. Unable to produce against B.U. or Princeton, there seems little hope for the Crimson to beat a Big Green outfit that has won 15 games in 16 starts this season.

Dartmouth's last three outings-victories over B.U., Clarkson, and B.C.-were won without the services of Joe Riley, Whitey Campbell, and George Pulliam, all of whom took time out to serve with the A.A.U. But they will be back to fill out the already impressive roster for tonight's contest. Probable Starting Lineups HARVARD  DARTMOUTH Sears  lw  Merriam Key  c  W. Riley McKean  rw  J. Riley Greeley  rd  Thayer Washburn  ld  Campbell Chase  g  Desmond

The Riley-Riley-Merriam line is currently high-scoring combination for the Green, with 39 tallies to their credit.

Harvard will start its usual first team to oppose this juggernaut. Wally Sears, generally the squad's most frequent blinker of the red light, will start at left wing, alongside center Dave Key and right wingman Shaw McKean.
