
Yesteryear Trophywinners Crossed Four Times in Intramural Contests

Leverett House, Straus Trophy winner last year and second place contender for inter-House honors this year, took a tumble yesterday when it got trampled on four different fronts.

Dunster's quintet handed the Bunnies their first drubbing of the day by pulling a close slugfest out of the fire in the last few minutes to win 34 to 30. The rough contest submerged Leverett one more rung to fifth place on the inter-House basketball ladder.

The second embarrassment of the day was dealt the Bunnies by the Yard skaters, who, in spite of the notable play of opposing goalie Jim Viederman, had little trouble in racking up a 8 to 1 victory at the Boston Skating Club.

Leverett lost a double-header to the Eliot House squash team. The Mastodons, in spite of the absence of Balding Stu Bartle from the A lineup and Chuck Bailey from the B, felled the Rabbits 3 to 2 and 3 to 1.

In the only other inter-House engagement of the day, Lowell House downed the Dunster squash teams by twin 4 to 1 scores, and ran circles around Adams' quintet 51 to 25. Height proved of little value to the undermanned Adams' basketballers against Lowell.
