
Journalism Parley Tonight Gets Job Sessions Underway

George Weller '29, who won the Pulitzer Prize in 1948 and played House football in 1946, will give the inside dopes on journalism careers tonight when he and four other newspapermen open the Student Placement Office's first conference for job hunting students.

Weller, a foreign correspondent for the Chicago Daily News, received the Pulitzer Award for his story of an appendectomy performed under enemy waters by an American submarine crew. A Nieman Fellow, he made the headlines recently by playing sixty minutes of football for the Adams House team.

Embryonic journalists from Wellesley, Radcliffe, and Simmons have also been invited to attend the conference, which will begin tonight at 7:45 o'clock in the Union.

Pinkerton at Heim

William M. Pinkerton, director of the University News Office, will chair the meeting and will answer general questions about how to break into journalism.


Other speakers include Robert W. Glasgow, labor reporter for the Herald Tribune; Victor O. Jones '28, Night Editor of the Boston Globe; and Walter H. Waggoner of the New York Times.

Waller and Jones are both former editors of the CRIMSON.

Conferences scheduled for coming weeks include ones on advertising and public relations, radio and movies, business, teaching, engineering and scientific research, publishing, medialue, labor, government, law, and design.
