
Annex '52 Ballots On Three Issues


Radcliffe freshmen will vote this week on a three point ballot drawn up at their class meeting Tuesday afternoon in Agassiz.

The issues are: 1) ratification of the class constitution; 2) choice of a freshman play; and 3) whether to donate class contributions to a foreign aid organization such as CARE, an individual foster child, or a school abroad. Lack of a quorum at the meeting forced polling all members of the class individually.

Opinions on the third issue expressed at the meeting were split. The majority of those who spoke voiced approval of sending books and paper supplies, rather than food, to some particular school or nstitution. Elizabeth Tucker, class representative, finally moved that the entire question be placed on the ballot.

Luretta Valtz, chairman of a committee to choose the play for presentation in March, reported the group's choice as "Star Struck," a one act comedy by Florence Ryerson and Colin Clements. Overlooking the possible difficulty in obtaining a Great Dane as a member of the cast, Miss Valtz urged the class to approve the decision.
