
Radcliffe Santas Wow Youngsters

Christmas Gift Suggestions

Over 20 six-year-olds gathered around the Christmas tree in Barnard Hall Sunday to receive presents from a well-padded Santa Claus.

The party, sponsored by Radcliffe's Community Service organization, is the second in a series of Christmas parties given for settlement house children by dormitory residents this week. Bertram Hall and Edmands House also took on six and seven-years-olds from Norfolk House and the Cambridge Family Society Sunday.

Barnard's party included group caroling as a starter, an energetic session of "pin the tail on the donkey," and a reading of "The Night Before Christmas" by Suzanne Hamilton '49. The high point of the entertainment came with the entry of a sackful of Christmas presents accompanied by Santa.

Santa couldn't quite make it over to Bertram Hall after her reception at Barnard, so Bertram residents improvised and had a magician instead. Children claimed he could do everything short of pulling a rabbit out of a hat.

At Edmands House, the young guests found their presents under the Christmas tree. "Santa left them there that night," was the explanation.
