
Israeli Seminars Highlight Zionist Regional Meeting

The Harvard Zionist Society will play host to delegations from the New England Region of the International Zionist Federation of America this weekend. A series of discussion seminars on the central subject of "Israel and the Role of American Zionism" will be the main feature of the two day program.

Tonight at Hillel House, guest speaker Elihu S. Stone will report on the work of the World Zionist Action Committee.

Shortly after a brunch on Sunday morning Burton S. Dreben '49 and Jack Keesan '49 will lead a discussion on "The Role of American Zionism in the Future." In an afternoon session Gershon Asculai, from the Holy Land, and Judy Neulander will speak about immigration and education respectively. Another series of discussions in the evening will wind up the weekend meeting.

Morton Rosenstock '49, vice-President of the regtional section of the Zionist organization, is the chairman for the program.
