
Local Delegation Reports National AVC Convention

Harvard's delegates to the recent AVC convention voted to uphold National Planning Committee decisions on all three of the major issues before the gathering, the Harvard AVC chapter was told last night at PBH. But the delegates each presented differing reasons in their reports for voting as they did.

Cause of the whole disturbance at the Cleveland convention was the suspending of a New York chapter leader, Richard Crohn, by the National Administrative Committee of AVC. The reason for his suspension was his use of the AVC name in partisan politics, delegates explained.

Crohn's subsequent presence at a New York Area Council meeting as a delegate in deflance of NAC caused the suspension of 13 chapters of the AVC in New York and the ousting of Morris Pottish, chairman of the Area Council. The Harvard delegates voted nine to one to uphold the authority of the national bodies in these matters, but deplored the methods used for discipline.

The national convention also voted to refuse permission to veterans of the Merchant Marine to join AVC and defeated proposals for proportional representation in AVC elections.
