
500 Drop Out of Tigertown Trek, Sell Back Tickets

Over 500 people have turned back their Princeton tickets to the H.A.A. this week, Manager Frank O. Lunden reported last night, but there will still be a sizable Crimson representation at Palmer Stadium for tomorrow's game.

Nine thousand of the 11,000 tickets allotted to Harvard were sold here, while the surplus was returned to Princeton last week at the request of the Princeton Athletic Association, which needed them to fill local demands. Tickets turned in here this week will also be sent back to New Jersey, where they will go on sale before game time. A near capacity crowd is expected at the stadium, which holds 51,000.

Hour Exams

Lunlen blamed the advent of hour exams for the unusually large turnback here and pointed out that it will result in the Harvard cheering section being liberally peppered with Princeton rooters.

Ticket sales have been unexpectedly large for next week's encounter with Brown. Already the allotment has been bought out, and it will probably be necessary to send an additional supply of end zone seats to Providence next week. The Crimson side of the stands is likewise sold out between the goal lines.
