
Yard, Dorm Upperclassmen Urged To Apply Singly for House Openings

Upperclassmen living outside the Houses can get a crack at House vacancies that will appear in the spring term if they are willing to give up their present or chosen roommates, the Housing office reported yesterday.

Most vacancies for the Spring term will be single spaces and not evacuated suites, the Secretary for Houses reported, and will be filled with students applying alone.

Most upperclassmen who choose to stick with their roommates will have to compete with the Class of '52 for room allocations next fall, although a very small number may get into vacated suites in February.

A post card questionnaire sent to non-House-residing upperclassmen this week also points out that the University is not obliged to keep upperclassmen in their Wigglesworth and Grays Hall room after the end of the current term.

Sophomores and juniors still residing in the Yard who decline single House vacancies may be moved into the out-of-Yard dormitories for the Spring term, "if the best interests of the general situation call for such a shift."
