
Gift Radio Rescues Stillman From Sad Thanksgiving Day

It was mighty quiet in Stillman Infirmary's third floor ward Wednesday night, and a sunless Thankskiving was in prospect. "Old Faithful," the community radio, didn't work and there was neither music nor news.

The patients went into a huddle over their problem and then elected a representative to call WHRV for technical advice. Norman Thomas 2L placed the call only to hear that the Network was shorthanded because most of its repair staff had gone home for Thanksgiving turkey.

"It looked mighty bleak for a minute," said Thomas who hails from Yale and Buffalo N.Y. Then the Networkers came through and promised a radio. Half an hour later--in plenty of time for the Lone Ranger and Groucho Marx--John V. Bouyoucos '49 turned up with a powerful portable. Music bounded off the white sheets and there was something to give thanks for in Stillman.
