
Water Polo Gets New Look As Annex Battles with MIT

Radcliffe gave MIT a hard time last night during a wet and very confusing water polo game in the Tech pool. The final score was 5 to 4, in favor of the men.

"Those girls swim like porpoises," a drenched MIT student said after the contest, praising the five Annex swimmers and their teammate from Sargent. Another blamed the close score on the confusion resulting from a bi-sexual meet. "Their caps were white and looked just like the ball," he claimed.

After MIT splashed straight across the pool to score in the opening minute, the girls put their heads together and formulated what the Techs termed "a typically feminine plot." Two Annex players plastered themselves against the scoring zone, making it impossible for the boys to hit it with the ball without first dragging the girls from their position to the depths of the pool.

Cherry Merrit '52 made the Tech team realize they had a fight on their hands when she left them sputtering at one end of the pool and went 25 yards to score.

At the start of the third and final four minute quarter, the tally rested at four-all. Then the Techs scored, the whistle blew, and 12 tired swimmers climbed out of the water. The girls claimed that the time really wasn't up, but they would call the game quits for the sake of "male supremacy."


Mary Sherich, Ruth Hiebert, Emily Ingraham, and June Pretty, all Class of '51, were the other four who swam for the Annex. "We'd love to play Harvard," they said last night.
