
Hold-Up Men Rob Girl, 2 Students Near Observatory

Two students and a girl--the daughter of the president of Colby were robbed of $26 Saturday night by two armed gun-men who forced them into the deserted grounds of the University Observatory.

Carl P. Josephson '51 was accosted as he left the Radcliffe dormitory at 55 Garden st. by two men who "asked for a light." One of them pulled an automatic and the pair forced him to cross the street to the Observatory. Here he was relieved of $7 in cash and all his identification.

"Keep Quiet"

One of the men stood guard over him while the other returned to the street and held up Frederick G. Torrey '49 and his date, Martha Bixier. When they were brought into the park, $19 in cash was taken by the robbers, who departed with a warning to the trio to remain for five minutes and to say nothing about the stickup.

Nothing but cash was taken, the victims reported yesterday, as the bandits ignored the watches and jewelry. Torrey said no one was hurt, although the bandits held a knife against him during their search.
