
Council Gives Two New Men Appointments

Houghteling, Cameron Unanimously Chosen

The Student Council last night unanimously approved the appointment of two new members James D. Cameron, Jr. '46 of Lenox and Kirkland House, and Frederic D. Houghteling '50 of Washington and Leverett House.

Each year's Council has the privilege of appointing three additional members because of their special qualifications for Council work. This year's group can still appoint one more member.

Cameron and Houghteling were appointed from a field of eight nominces. Other nominees, it was learned by the CRIMSON last night, include James E. Barrett '50, Patrick D. Dailey '49, Leonard C. Gordon '50, Selig S. Harrison '49, Edwin C. Jordan '50, and John K. Lally '49.

A suggestion by Dean Bender that the Council appoint "acting student policemen" to help keep order at the Yale game rally also came up for discussion at the meeting. The Council turned the plan down, feeling that an undergraduate police force would be ineffective, and that such appointments were out of the Council's domain.

William D. Weeks '49, Council president, revealed last night that the Council's revised rules on undergraduate open meetings have been fully approved by both Dean Bender and Associate Dean Watson, and are now in effect.
