
Houses Suspend Sign-In Rules for Big Eli Weekend

No sign-ins for women guests, with parties until 9 p.m. will be the rule for all Houses over the Yale weekend, according to an agreement reached this week by a meeting of the seven House-masters.

Saturday parties everywhere will be able to get off to early starts, since six of the seven masters have decided to open Houses to guests at 11 a.m. Winthrop will get a jump on the others with a 10:30 opening gun. The regular opening hour, 1 p.m., will be observed at all Houses on Friday.

In Eliot, Housemaster John H. Finley, Jr. '25 said that students should notify the House secretary of all parties that expect to have more than 20 participants.

The Housemasters' meeting was planned especially to co-ordinate parietal regulations, since the official rules allow each master to set the time limits for his own House.

Following the custom of relaxing the rules for Yale weekends, the meeting agreed on uniform extension of the time limits.
