
Kirkland Tops Eliot by 14-7; League in Tie

The Eliot House band turned out in all its glory Wednesday. Over 100 spectators came despite the rain, but Eliot, undefeated in House League football since November 1946, couldn't live up to the script and lost to Kirkland, 14 to 7.

The Deacon win throws the league into a three-way tie between Kirkland, Eliot, and Winthrop that will almost certainly have to be settled in a playoff next Tuesday. Today Kirkland faces Winthrop while Eliot has prospects of easy pickings against the Dudley Commuters who have won only once this year.

Working out of their single wing spinner formation, the Deacons wasted no time scoring. They took the ball at midfield and crunched away at the guards for consistent gains, finally sending Tailback Willie Thompson around end for the touchdown. Jacques Winter successfully place-kicked the wet ball for the extra point.

Shocked by this uncavalier treatment, the Elephants swung into action.

With George Galphin cracking into the line and Jim Rossiter shooting his pop-fly passes, they rumbled--somewhat saltingly--down the field to a first down on the 25. Three plays failed to make ground and Rossiter appeared to be trapped on his fourth down desperation pass attempt but he wriggled loose from several tacklers and threw a long, high, floppy pass to Harvey Guild who caught it over a Deacon defender's head deep in the end zone for a touchdown. Rossiter screen-passed for the extra point, making the halftime score 7 to 7.


K-House Rolls

As play resumed, the Deacons took the ball on the kickoff and marched straight down the field for their second touchdown. Spinning and driving through monstrous holes in the Mastodon line, Winter, Thompson, and Jerry Glynn gained almost at will, Winters scoring easily on a first down from the four. Hollis French made the extra point on a fake kick on which he ran around end.

The fourth period, played in a persistent drizzle, included a blocked kick by Eliot, a fumble by Kirkland, and an Eliot pass caught just out of the end zone. The period ended with Kirkland ten yards from a touchdown after a sixty yard drive.


Featured in the intermission was the Eliot House Band, consisting of two trumpets, one sax, one big and one little drum, one baton-twirler, three attractive cheerleaders in white shorts, E-House sweaters, and orange wigs, and the Eliot Elephant in two parts.

They marched (in ragged formation), played (in dubious harmony), formed letters (an E), and finally serenaded the Eliot side of the field
