
Munro Works On Passing in Long Soccer Workouts

The short pass game, dear to every soccer coach's heart, has been a will-o-the-wisp on the Business School Field this fall. Bruce Munro and his team agree it is the objective of their autumnal exercise--and best way to score goals against other teams, but so far it hasn't materialized.

For the past two weeks the Crimson Varsity has been practicing short, accurate passes, and crisp, clean traps with the hope of befuddling opponents by weaving the ball through them. With increasing frequency, but still not consistently, the Varsity has been producing the control game in the daily practice scrimmages.

"Our men often had control of the ball in the Springfield game," says Coach Munro, "but nobody was cutting to receive passes--and you can't win by standing still." So this week people have been yelling, "cut," and running in criss-cross patterns all over the tufted field.

The Booterss leave on the 10:30 sleeper tonight with the football team, and will have light practice at Ithaca tomorrow afternoon with the game being scheduled for 12 noon Saturday.

Those making the trip are: Loring Batchelder, Jonathan Spivak, Charles Weiss, Hans Estin, Captain Phil Potter, Bill Dawson, Dick Saul, Don Louria, Jim Bell, Rick Drake, Mike Scully, Jack Harshman, Gus Seamans, Harvey Mudd, Bill Gilbert, Roy Heisler, Tom Ragle, and Coach Munro.
