
Radcliffe Holds First Mass Assembly in Agassiz Today

Radcliffe assembles at 1:10 p.m. today in Agassiz Theater for the year's first Student Government mass meeting.

Students will hear the pros and cons on three issues: abolition of the Radcliffe assembly, a possible library checking out system, and the proposed merger of final examinations with Harvard.

In case of an overflow crowd, Joan McPartlin '49, student government vice-president, will run an accessory pro and con discussion in the Agassiz House living room.

Joan Projansky '49, Student Government President has announced that senior council members will wear caps and gowns "to give prestige and authority to the meeting."

No students will be admitted to the Radcliffe cafeteria during the meeting except for those having classes at 1 p.m. or at 12 and 2 p.m.
