
Rained-Out Varsity Sees Dartmouth Game Films

Art Valpey got his first taste of a fall nor' caster yesterday and it was pretty sour. If it had been any day but Monday, the weather would have ruined football practice.

Fortunately, it was Monday and the main attraction of the day was the cinematic extravaganza entitled "Harvard vs. Dartmouth, a football game." Saturday's films revealed that the varsity was nearly ready. Valpey termed them "70 per cent of the way toward being a polished team," and a polished team is one capable of going all the way on every play.

Still, the Crimson had committed a myriad of little errors against the Big Green and it took until 4:30 p.m. to explain them.

Actual physical work began after the varsity had warmed up in Briggs Cage, when those who had not played very much Saturday went out onto the soggy field and scrimmaged, while the regulars remained indoors and ran through plays.

Blackout Haits Work


Briggs Cage practice was doomed almost from the beginning. Shortly after the workout began the lights all over Soldiers Field blacked out. With no white ball at hand, the teams were forced to abandon the customary brown sphere for a hypothetical one which did not fumble so easily.

A few wind sprints ended the practice day for all players, and it was well before six when they pulled off their soggy jerseys and prepared to demolish the food at Bingham's Varsity Club Restaurant and pool room.
