
Eliot Injuries Tighten House Football Race

Charley Mains, whose Eliot football machine hasn't dropped a game since October 1946, was dealt a series of low blows in the last week. He saw threequarters of the best backfield in the Intramural League melt away before his eyes. Old Man Injury returned to House football and did a bang-up job.

It all started in the first game of the season. While running out an end sweep against Lowell, Dick Meussel suddenly crumpled and was carried off the field with a couple of torn ligaments in his knee. He will probably never play football again.

There was a breather against Dunster, and then the Mastodens ran up against Adams House, the Holy Cross of the league, boasting a line averaging well over 200 pounds. Dave Wheeler emerged from the fray badly battered and indefinitely sidelined, and All-House quarterback Dave McGiffert was helped off the field with a sprained knee.

Changed Offensive Formation

With both his wingback and quarterback gone, as well as Meussel, the broken field artist, Coach Mains has had to shift Eliot House from the winged T into the less deceptive single wing.


The demise of Eliot has left the House league a wide open race, although at the moment undefeated Kirkland has become the new favorite. Winthrop and Lowell, however, are also leading contenders.
