
Alumni to Get Brochure in Final Fight Against Plaque

About 38.000 College alumni will receive brochures backing a utilitarian war memorial. The last minute attempt to block a $60,000 plaque as Harvard's World War H memorial was started last night by the Student Council, the Crimson Key Society, and the House committees.

The three groups hope that alumni pressure will prevent final acceptance of the Saltonstall Committee's plaque plan by the Associated Harvard Clubs when the Clubs' executive board meets November 19.

Joint Financing

Every undergraduate organization, including social clubs and athletic teams, will be asked to support publication and mailing of the brochure. The cost has been estimated at $1.500.

A $250 grant by the Student Council last night led off the financing. The sponsoring groups hope to have pledges from all 70 organizations by tomorrow night.


The proposal for an inscription in Memorial Church was approved October 16 by the directors of the Alumni Association. However, the Harvard Clubs must also approve the plan before it becomes final.

To Hold Up Decision

Although the sponsors do not believe that the Clubs' executive board will flatly reject the Saltonstall plan, they hope to forestall a decision until either the alumni are polled or until the delegates to the Harvard Clubs convention can have a say.

The Alumni Committee for a Student Activities Center, a group of recent graduates, will draw up and sign the brochure.

Calls Plaque Unappropriate

An inscription in Memorial Church is not an appropriate memorial, the brochure will say. It will recommend a utilitarian memorial--preferably a student activities center.

Before the recent meeting of the Alumni Association the Council and other College groups asked that all alumni be polled on the subject. The request was not granted.
