
Pay Day System Gathers All Fees For 'Cliffe Clubs

Today is Pay Day, and by tomorrow at 5 p.m. Radcliffe students must pay all compulsory government, class, and News dues, as well as membership fees for extra-curricular groups they intend to join.

Pay Day enables both students and organizations to settle their accounts at the same time, Student Council members explain. It also permits student Government to check each club's budget, since it knows in advance just how much income will be received from members.

Volunteers Wanted

Student Government Treasurer Joan Braverman '50 last night sent out a call for help. Volunteer tellers will be stationed in the Ghirlandajo room at Agassiz today and tomorrow from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. to collect the money as the students file by.

A new wrinkle to Seniors' envelopes is the announcement of an extra compulsory donation to help the Class of '49 support another foreign foster child. This contribution was approved by the Seniors at their meeting last week.
