
Student Firemen Quell Blaze at Lowell House

Quick action by a trio of Lowell House residents put out a small fire in Lowell R-23 last night before it became necessary to turn in an alarm.

Anthony Ripley '50, S. David Kahn '50, and Robert W. Foster '50 discoved a blazing sofa in the room about 8:30 p.m., and promptly doused the flames with sulphuric acid from two portable extinguishers.

None of the room residents--Charles B. Penrose '50, Robert H. Olney '50, and Richard Olney '50--were at home when the fire was discovered.

One end of the sofa was reduced to ashes by the flames, and the rest of it was badly stained by smoke and sulphuric acid.

The cause of the blaze was not discovered.
