
Missing Army Tickets Handled By Agencies

Several hundred of the best seats in the Harvard section at Michie Stadium have been sold to the public in New York through speculators.

The CRIMSON learned last night from McBride's, a large Broadway ticket brokerage, that West Point ticket officials released a large block of seats in the East stands--the visiting college section--to them and to other New York agencies.

"We never get tickets on the Army side," the office said. "But we had a big bunch of seats in the Harvard section." The last of these were sold before supper yesterday.

Lt.-Col. C. C. Kruger, ticket manager for the Army Athletic Association, claimed yesterday that seats in the Harvard stands that were not sent to Cambridge had been held for "non-working press" or had been disposed of before the season opened--"sometime in August."

Students, Alumni Complain


The outside sale of this block of seats--a triangular section running from the top half of the midfield section to a few rows of the last sections--had already provoked bitter complaints from students and alumni here. The manager of the Harvard Club of New York reported last night that many members had also tried in vain to procure tickets for the game.

A few students yesterday were able to exchange their downfield seats at the H.A.A. office for better locations. The supply of such seats was limited, however, and no general solution of the problem, seemed likely last night.
