
Greater Chances In U.S. Schooling Asked by Conant

President Conant believes that an ever widening door to education will determine "our fitness to survive the Russian challenge."

In his first full length treatment of educational problems since he became President of the University, President Conant envisions an armed truce until the middle 1950's and a divided world for a long time to come.

His program to raise educational opportunities in the next 25 years to the level of the best that now exists is based on this assumption.

His proposals are contained in his new book, "Education In A Divided World," published today by the University Press, including this eight-point program:

1. Continued local control of the schools.


2. Increased aid to local schools from state taxes.

3. Federal aid to education in the states.

4. "Democratic living" to be a major concern of public schools.

5. High school aid to youth in finding their own talents and guiding them in the choice of a suitable occupation.

6. Adding two-year terminal colleges to local school systems.

7. Directing only boys and girls headed for the professions toward the regular four-year colleges and universities.

8. Setting the objectives of adult education as "an understanding of American democratic society and its historic goals, and a dissection of Soviet philosophy and an exposure of its methods."
