
Sports of the Crimson

Crimson Outplays Tired Lord Jeffs

The parties must be great at Amherst this fall for the Varsity soccer team had no trouble yesterday afternoon subduing the Lord Jeff booters, who ran out of gas after about ten minutes of play at the Business School Field and played the whole last period at about half speed. The score was 3 to 0 thus giving the Varsity a record of one win, one tie, and one less for the season.

Amherst, one of the better teams in New England last season, was expected to provide some of the stiffer opposition of the schedule, but from the start the Crimson had control of the ball and completely outplayed their tired opponents.

Only Ben Stoltzfus, Amherst captain and on the U.S. Olympic team this summer, lived up to pre-game billing, but every time he got the ball at the center-forward position he was tackle by at least two Harvard defensemen.

Although the Crimson missed at least eight point-black opportunities to score, of the three Harvard goals two were actually counted by Amherst men. In 2:02 of the second period center-forward Hans Estin lofted a kick in a scrimmage in front of the goal; an Amherst full-back deflected the ball and the goalie knocked it into the nets. Ten minutes later Captain Phil Potter scored again on a direct kick from about ten yards out.

Weiss Gets Third


The third goal came when Charlie Weiss, playing right inside, booted a high kick which the Amherst left full-back deflected into the corner of the nets.

Although the passing was still ragged at times, Coach Bruce Munro thought his team looked considerably better than against either Springfield or Cornell, and rested his starters in the last half. The halfbacks covered more territory yesterday, and the fullbacks kept Amherst's long boots under control.

Mike Scully, Crimson left fullback, who suffered an injured ankle against Cornell, played the entire game almost scoring in the fourth period on a low liner booted from 25 yards out.
