
Fair Named as New Dunster Master to Replace Haring

New Head Has Taught For Three Decades

Gordon M. Fair, Dean of the Graduate School of Engineering, is the new Master of Dunster House. The 54-year-old authority on sanitary engineering will replace Clarence F. Haring, who resigned this week because of illness in his family.

Fair, one of the nation's leading public health experts, was awarded the Legion of Merit last Friday for his work during the war on the National Research Council. He organized the engineering division of the Office of Sanitation at the beginning of the war.

The new Master has taught and carried on research here for 30 years. He received his degree in 1916 from both M.I.T. and Harvard-under the old joint instruction system of the Lawrence Scientific School--and began work here in 1918.

After 17 years on the Faculty, Fair took over the Gordon McKay professorship of Sanitary Engineering in 1935, and also succeeded to the Abbot and James Lawrence chair in Engineering in 1989. He has been an associate of Leverett House since 1942, and is at present president of the Faculty Club.

Fair has served as scientific director of the international health division of the Rockefeller Foundation, and is a member of the National Advisory Health Council of the U.S. Public Health Service.


For two summers--1925 and 1926--he directed the Harvard Engineering camp at Squam Lake, N.H.
