
Crimson Welcomes 'Cliffe To Staff Comps Tonight

The CRIMSON opens its first Radcliffe competition tonight at 7:30 p.m.

In keeping with 76-year-old tradition, refreshments will flow tonight like punch after the Yale game. The editors invite all Juniors and Sophomores to drop in at 14 Plympton st. get acquainted and learn what the CRIMSON has to offer.

Candidates get a thorough training in newspaper work from the University's only school of journalism. They will learn to write for a daily deadline and will be selected on the basis of ideas and proven ability. No previous experience is necessary.

Famous Predecessors

Radcliffe '50 and '51 will become the first women to join the newspaper of Franklin D. Roosevelt '04, Cleveland Amory '39, Robert F. Bradford '33 and James Bryant Conant '14. These were all CRIMSON candidates who made the staff.


The competition has been limited to Sophomores and Juniors; Freshmen are excluded because of their unfamiliarity with the local scene, while Seniors would have only three months of active service left in the end of the competition early in December.
