
Army Officials Clipped Best Seats From Harvard's Bloc

Army athletic authorities scissored 700 of the best seats out of the Harvard ticket allotment for Michie Stadium this Saturday, the H.A.A. revealed last night.

The announcement from ticket, manager Frank O. Lunden came in answer to irate roars from upperclassmen who found themselves located in bottom rows below the 20-yard-line and former "H" men who received seats beyond the end zone.

Lunden said that Army sent up 8000 tickets--all of which have been sold--but kept 700 of the best, equivalent to a full section in Harvard Stadium.

The hold-out seats include the top half of a section on the fifty and decreasing numbers--still starting from the top--all the way down to the ten on one side of the fifty.

Only 18 Rows High


Lunden pointed out that this would naturally shove undergraduates further down the field besides putting high-priority "H" men in what would be non-priority seats at Soldiers Field. He said the difference is much more noticeable at West Point than it would be here because the Harvard side of Michic Stadium is only 18 rows high.

Lunden also disclosed that more than 1000 alumni would not receive tickets at all. There were more than 9000 applications for the 8000 seats, which were filled according to the stated priority ruling.

The H.A.A. asked all students to pick up their tickets as soon as possible before the deadline for returning them at 5 p.m. Thursday, Lunden said this would facilitate exchanging poor seats for better ones which may be turned in.
