
Nationally Noted Photographers to Judge Slide Show

Three nationally-recognized pictorial photographers agreed last night to judge the 200 entries in the University photographic societies" color slide contest, taking place at 7:30 o'clock tonight in the Union North Common Room.

Merrill P. Minis and Mr. and Mrs. Lee A. Ellis, prominent exhibitors and members of the Boston Camera Club, are the judges who will give free advice to local amateurs.

Officials of the freshmen and upperclass photographic societies announced last night that they will accept last minute entries at the Union North Common Room this afternoon at 3 o'clock.

The two clubs also announced plans for two more contests this year; on February 16 a black-and-white salon, and on May 3 the annual print-of-the-year and color slide contest. Both exhibitions will be open to the University, and the societies will offer prizes to the best undergraduate entries.
