
Tree Hands Loss To Ace Wrestler With One Big Fall

A pecan free in Bixby, Oklahoma, won a clear-cut decision by a fall over 155-pound wrestler Sandy Jones on Tuesday, December 23, and succeeded in putting Chief Boston's sophomore ace on the injured list for the rest of the season.

Apparently ignorant of the well-aged chestnut told for years by Wheeler and the late Woolsey, Jones sawed himself out of a middle-sized tree on his front lawn, sustaining a broken right arm in the subsequent descent.

Boston Silent

Boston released no comment on the incident but recalled the lamented case of the House football player who fell out of bed early one morning and fractured his leg.

With the first big meet of the season coming up on Saturday against Columbia in the Indoor Athletic Building, Boston is hard pressed to fill the class but plans to send Don Louria down from 165 to 155 and put Ray Rogers, last year's freshman captain, in at 165. The rest of the team will be the same one that shut out Wesleyan the week before Cambridge emptied for the Christmas interlude.
