
Two Weeks of Intramurals Find Winthrop Five in Lead

After two week of pre-Christmas intramurals which ended with Winthrop House boasting an unbeaten basketball squad but with only three hockey games and a few squash matches played, winter intramurals will enter the second round of the schedule this week.

Although the Puritans have edged their first three opponents to win early season laurels, four other teams are close behind. After dropping a poorly played opener to Adams House, the Lowell Bellboys suddenly caught fire and razed their next two opponents. Eliot, Dudley, and Dunster faltered after successful debuts, but finished winning two and losing one. Adams was victor only in its first game, but Leverett has failed to win in three games.

Winter Sports Continue

A quick round of winter sports is scheduled this week and next before examinations break up league competition until after mid-term vacation.

The basketball teams will play their fourth and fifth games Thursday and Friday. Adams and Eliot, Lowell and Dunster, Leverett and Kirkland, and Winthrop and Dudley play Thursday, while Dunster and Adams, Eliot and Kirkland, Winthrop and Lowell, and Leverett and Dudley battle the following day.


Preparing for games next week, House hockey teams only practice this week. Dunster, Leverett, Eliot, and Dudley work out tomorrow; Kirkland, Winthrop, Lowell, and Adams scrimmage Wednesday. A new team of Yardlings, ex-Freshman team skaters, will enter the competition next week.
