
Flynn, Halleck, Douglas to Address Law School Forum in Spring Term

Bronx political boss Edward J. Flynn and leading Congressional figures Charles A. Halleck and Helen Gahagan Douglas are among the speakers who will appear before the Law School Forum this spring, President George Esser, Jr. 3L announced yesterday.

Besides the full meetings at Rindge Tech auditorium, the Forum will also present single speakers at Langdell Court to "cover topics bypassed by the regular discussions."

The term program will get underway Friday, February 20, with the first forum, "Russian-American Relations," for which no speakers have been secured to date. Three weeks later, Flynn and columnist Robert S. Allen will debate "Should Political Machines Be Abolished"

A symposium on race relations in early April will include Walter White, executive secretary of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People; Senator Dennis Chavez of New Mexico; and Leon Birkhead, director of Friends for Democracy.

The feature forum of the term will take place on April 28, when leading Democrats and Republicans will chew the "Major Issues of the 1948 Election." Mrs. Douglas, California representative, and Gail Sullivan, executive director of the Democratic National Committee, will face Halleck, House majority leader, and Vermont Senator George D. Aiken.


Before the meetings begin, Forum members will launch a series of four nation-wide broadcasts in conjunction with Columbia University's World Security Workshop. Dean Erwin R. Griswold of the Law School will moderate the first program.
