
Ski Team Retires to Pinkham Notch To Tune Up for Dartmouth Carnival

Three Vacation Tilts On Training Docket

With the termination of their exams, members of the Crimson ski team will head for their cabin at Pinkham Notch, New Hampshire, where they will be groomed for between-term events by varsity coach Bill Halsey.

Cross country skiing and jumping, the two weak points of last year's team, will take the spotlight in the training session, although slalom will also be included in preparation for the team's four meets during the break. Jumpers will have ample opportunity to work out on Berlin's wide variety of amateur jumps.

"All our meets are pointing towards the role we will play in the Dartmouth Winter Carnival," said Manager Bob Barrel," and they will also provide the basis on which Coach Halsey picks the eight-man team which will participate in the Carnival."

Tune Up for Carnival

Hanover, New Hampshire, will play host to the jumpers on January 29 when they work out on the Dartmouth Jump with, again, an eye towards the Winter Carnival.


January 31 will see a seven-mile cross country race at Lebanon, New Hampshire. The meet, the first half of a two part event for classes A and B, will be followed by jumping on February 1. The two-day conclave will feature Captain Graham Taylor, Skiddy Lund, a promising newcomer, Laurie Griffin, Sandy Mactaggart, and several other members of the team.

Also meeting on February 1 are the Gibson Giant Slalom at Cranmore Mountain, North Conway, and a cross country and jumping event at Holden, Massachusetts. The Gibson Slalom will consist of two runs of top-flight class A and B competition. Varsity skiers booked for this event are Gordy Abbott, Dee Bogert, Jerry Genn, Don Justus, Rod Nordblom, Frank Seabury, and Bill Wasserman.

Coach Graduates

Crimson slat sliders are entertaining hopes of a greatly improved cross country and jumping squad this year, since their coach, Bill Halsey, graduated from the Harvard School of Design Monday and will now be able to devote a much more appreciable amount of time to the distance men.

Among the more promising members of the squad is Skiddy Lund, whose record at the ten-mile cross country race held earlier this year at Jackson, New Hampshire, followed close on the heels of Captain Taylor's. The scant two minutes separating Lund's time from Taylor's represented the closest in-team competition Taylor has soon during the past two years.

A good season is seen is store for the Crimson skiers this year by Manager Barrell, who counts as the principal factors in its favor the abundance of last year's men still with the team, unusual opportunity for practice, and a number of competent new members on the roster.

Using Woburn Jump

Even the fabled ski jump at Woburn, Massachusetts has seen a goodly share of action this year, in pleasant contrast to last year's total of two practices after many hours of work had been sunk into its repair.

The skiers' only official team competition this season saw them place sixth in the annual intercollegiate meet at Lake Placid, New York, during the Christmas recess.

On the docket for next term are the Eastern Downhill, Slalom, and Combined Championships at North Adams, Massachusetts, the slalom at Laconia, and the Winter Carnival.
