
British Consul Will Serve as Debate Judge

Charles E. Whitamore, British Consul-General in Boston, will replace Wellesley President Mildred McAfee Horton as a judge for Sunday night's debate with Oxford, the Debate Council announced yesterday, as it made final preparations for the match. The Council offered no explanation for Mrs. Horton's withdrawal.

In its search for a replacement, the Council immediately secured the services of Whitamore, who was appointed Consul-General only a month ago. With him will be Karl Compton, M.I.T. president, and Ralph Lowell '12, member of the Board of Overseers

Veteran Debaters Ready

The Council's two veteran debaters, William P. D. Bailey '46 and Edwin J. Jacob '47 will defend the negative on the subject: "Resolved, That the social and economic advantages to be gained from nationalization of basic industries would be overwhelming." J. Phillip Bahn '49 and Paul L Wright '49 are alternates.

Because of examination period studying, the Council announced that the debate at Sanders Theatre would last only from 8 to 9 o'clock, with late-comers able to enter only by back entrances.
